That is very true, even though it may seem like the end of the line. A friend of mine shared that statement with me today in relation to a difficult time she is experiencing, and you can really relate it to a few different situations, can't you?
A) The weather in Melbourne is absolutely dreadful, but she's correct. Rain doesn't last forever.
B) We may face challenges at times, but they are not perpetual. Remember, our mindset plays a crucial role. If you constantly adopt a 'victim' or 'poor me' attitude, perhaps there are underlying issues that require attention.
C) Life is not a linear path; it has its ups and downs. Just ride the waves.
This past week has been mentally taxing for me, well, it had been building up for a few weeks prior. Some weeks, I can keep pushing myself and stay busy, while other weeks, I simply can't. My cup was overflowing, and my body has its way of signaling me to 'put on the brakes' – often in the form of a well-crafted migraine and a touch of vertigo, or what some call 'burnout'.
I wonder why humans feel the constant need to keep pushing themselves? If anything, COVID taught us to slow down! and take care of our mental and physical well-being. We had more time to exercise (within 5kms!), leading to more people walking or working out at home, more time to cook and prepare nutritious meals. Now, we are back to dining out and spending money on takeout. We spent more time at home with family, rather than constantly being out and about to please others.
The common thread? More time for ourselves.
In the many conversations I've had with people about lacking motivation, complaining about the weather, or wanting to stay in bed, it's clear that we need to revisit the basics and take care of ourselves. Spend quality time with family, appreciate those around you, cherish your health, and be grateful for the freedom to choose to go for a walk or exercise.
The storm will eventually pass. We always have the power to choose how we live our lives.
Starting today, what positive mindset shift or physical change will you make?
Go for a walk
Practice meditation
Allow yourself to sleep in
Read a book
Disconnect and be present
Watch your kids play sports
Cook and have dinner together as a family
Take some time off
Plan a holiday or weekend getaway
As for me, I have a few plans in mind, and one of them is to start taking Saturdays off again :)
I'd love to hear from you about the positive changes you intend to make.
