Every work day I live by a clock. Probably much like everyone else!
There's appointments, meetings, due dates/times, getting to work on time, getting kids ready and to school, catching transport, eating at a certain time. It really is endless when you think about it, how much e are driven by the little device on our wrist or hanging on our wall.
This holiday I wanted to not have anything planned. After quite a big year and adventures Matt and I wanted to just relax on a holiday without living to a clock. But when you're so used to doing that, how do you just stop?
At first it felt like to me the feeling when you get two magnets and they don't come together - they just can't connect.
I didn't wake to a clock, I woke to the sun coming up and the little whimpers of Elsa from her slumber. For me I like to walk first thing and especially before it gets too hot, and its's also my time to be on my own. I prioritise 'alone' time in my day as each day for me is face to face sessions and as an introvert I need to recharge with some quiet time.
My goal for the break was to go for a walks and then sit and do some work, no real huge expectations if what I wanted to achieve I was happy to schedule some posts and do some admin. If I got some study done then brilliant - there was no expectations.
By the end of Day 1 of relaxing I think I was done- I had recharged! I had a great night sleep 9hours, I had eaten well, exercised, a little self care (alone time), & achieved some goals I had set.
What is going to fill your cup?
Massage, read a book, cook, potter in the garden, tidy the garage, build something, go shopping.
Move. Exercise! Doesn't mean you have to bust your chops, it cold just be a swim or a walk, yoga, or you could enjoy busting your chops. Find what floats your boat.
Add a little ZEN. Meditate. Sit in silence for 5 mins with NO TECHNOLOGY. Quieten the mind. This is my fav. (On my walks I'll sit with my coffee and just sit, no phone, no distractions just sit and take it in)
Set some goals. This could be to study, to complete a project (or start!) finish the book you started 1 year ago. Set a goal or goals that align with you and what you want to achieve and of course make it realistic
Say NO. One thing I have learnt is to follow your gut. If you really don't want to do something or something doesn't sit with you, just say 'No thanks' not for me. It's a little hard at first no doubt when you are so used to always saying 'yes'. But we have an intuition for a reason, so take some time to listen to it. Don't over commit to things - as the enjoyment will be gone.
In a world where we are so BUSY (remember there is a difference between and busy & productive) start incorporating these steps above to reduce some stress in your life.
Here's a great Goal Setting Worksheet if you are stuck or have a look at what other tools there are
See you soon!