Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail. That really is the motto I like to enforce when trying to “eat healthy & live a healthy life” . It really comes down to planning what food you are going to eat, shopping (online is always a great idea as it saves time wandering isles and picking up things you don’t really need!) and prepping if you can. So why am I writing about this? We are hitting the road camping for 20 days, so for me, preparation is key to eating healthy on the road.
So what does one pack when they are camping? Easy to prepare, packaged to travel and nutritious!
Breakfast - protein smoothie with oats and peanut butter
Snacks - protein yoghurts, nuts , protein bars, berries, chickpeas
Lunches / Dinners - tuna, packaged salad, tomato, cucumber, ham ( from Christmas cryovax into 200g packets) , bacon and eggs (once so far and didn’t sit well with me!), steak & veges/ salad
Some may say boring, but if I can keep it simple then I: 1) feel better, 2) don’t get an upset stomach 3) easy to prepare 4) maintain calorie control
My focus isn’t to be too rigid with eating on the holidays. We have still had pub meals a few drinks and munched on Doritos , crackers and cheese, violet crumble but I just don’t do this every day and its not in excess. There is a saying 80% healthy, 20% soul food.
Water - although this means stopping for wee breaks, keeping water up is still a must when travelling. I have my litre bottle ready to go and topped up.
I’ve heard clients say they don’t want people to talk about them choosing healthy options for food so they have the sausages and the ‘“not so healthy options” due to peer pressure. I always say if people want to put you down or question your eating habits that could mean they don’t have the will power to do exactly what you are doing. So stay strong and stick to your guns. This is about you and your decision to live healthy.
I have actually found this myself so I know what its like. “Oh you always eat so healthy” - Well this is just how I eat. I choose not to eat highly processed foods that make me feel sick, I choose not to drink high sugary drinks / alcohol that makes my stomach churn, I choose how I eat.
“Dieting” is an over rated word and if you have ready any previous blogs I really don’t like to use the word as “diet” for me = short term, restrictive, boring, controlling, not understanding the energy content (calories) of food
Eating Healthy = freedom, choices, variety, balance, awareness of energy content, fuelling your body for purpose.
So in general I ensure I have the following daily:
Protein (shakes, tuna, meat, chickpeas, protein bars, nuts, yoghurt) - each meal
Vegetables/ Salad at lunch / dinner / snack - 5/7 servings)
Fruit - 2 servings
I choose to eat/ drink healthy so I feel good & for me maintain my weight. Find your WHY and it becomes easier as with any goal having a WHY and a strong emotional tie to your WHY will keep you on track.
If you’d like a Nutritional Consultation then book in with me. This can be over the phone or face to face. Email to book in.
Happy Holidays!