Happy 4th Birthday to Tone It Up…..
How could I nearly forget this date?
14th January
On my morning walk I was checking my Timehop photos for today and there was an a message I sent to I think it ws like 12 of my friends.
”First session in 35 degrees heat yesterday! Well done guys!
Ive started a Messenger thread to confirm numbers each week, so if you’d like to be added just message me!
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Same time, same place next week!
Tuesday 6.30pm
BYO Towel & drink.
That was 4 years ago I decided to start my own Bootcamps at home.. a few things have changed since then:
I operate from Hilltop Park for Bootcamps (this year will have a room booked at Laurimar Community Centre)
We don’t have a hot summer!
We now have 5 Bootcamps a week + Junior Bootcamp + 1:1 Personal Training & Nutrition
Prices have gone up!
Sometimes I forget just how lucky I am that I have created this ‘backyard business’ - one of the local gym Managers called me that a few years back, so thanks for the encouragement to keep going. This business is my full time passion.
They said small businesses find it the toughest in their first 5 years, so here goes - full throttle for 2024!
Thank You to the past, present and in-between clients. Not everyone stays (but a lot do!) I always say you have to find what’s right for you. Some people love gyms and some love outdoors, some people love 1:1 and some people love groups. We all have to find what works for us.
Just a short note to say how grateful I am for all those who have trained with me at some point & look forward to many more years!
Coach Fe