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December Newsletter

Can you believe we have made it through another year of Lockdowns & Zooms?


I'd like to Thank each and everyone of you for your continued support through 2021. It has ben a great success with Personal Training (1:1 & 2:1) sessions increasing.

Next year I'm excited to see our Junior Bootcamp kick off in Term 1.

Bookings are open - or send your enquiry to



Our new Challengers kicked off on the 15th November. Our main focus has been:

  1. Hit you Protein Target

  2. Hit your steps

Why protein?

Protein is an essential macronutrient, that differs from the others due to a nitrogen and amino group. Dietary protein is made up of different combinations of 20 amino acids. Here are some of the most important things to know about protein. Protein:

  • Contains 4 Calories per gram

  • Is not all created equal and must contain the nine essential amino acids to be deemed a 'complete protein’

  • Provides amino acids for the building of muscle tissue

  • Forms of enzymes, chemical messengers, and structural components in the body

  • Needs are generally underestimated

  • Should be consumed at 1.52g per kg of bodyweight . of healthy weight (or ideal weight if overweight/obese)

  • Is safe and has not been shown to have negative health effects in healthy populations



Sometimes we think to much about our Food Prep. Here's an easy to follow guide on how to make the "perfect meal"


Are you joining us for our Annual Christmas Party? Bring your family ! Food is supplied, just BYO!

Short and sweet this month! Enjoy the Meal Prep Guide & see you at the Christmas Party!


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