You may have seen my video in our Private Group on (join here) if not go check it out, however I'll let you in on more details.
For 12 weeks - that's 3 months I will running a Challenge for you & myself. What will in entail?
- Starts June 2022
- 10 Participants only (open to TIU members first)
- 12 Weeks Training Program - must have access to gym or PT Sessions (resistance training) & cardio
- 12 Weeks of Nutrition - must track all food through My Fitness Pal includes weighing food!
- 12 Weeks of tracking measurements /statistics
- Hitting step targets
- Weekly Group Chats
- Private FB Group
- Macro Guide
- Weekly completion of Feedback Sheet
If you are interested in the 12 Week Challenge - it's simple. Email ( me answering the following:
Why do you want to join the 12 Week Challenge? Keep asking yourself 7 times why that is important to you.
If your goal is weight loss. How much weight do you feel you want to loose?
Will you track your food daily & consistency through via the app?
Will you participate in group chats/ 1:1?
Will you require PT Session?
I am excited to run this Challenge for you and can't wait to hit the ground running!